Id 3d text

I recommend reading more and putting effort on investigation before attempting to make such things.

This is how it is actually done:

pawn Код:
//somewhere outside any function
new Text3D:Label[MAX_PLAYERS]; //create a global array with 500 cells so you can use one per player

new str[5];
format(str, sizeof str, "%d", playerid); //format the string
Label[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel(str, 0x008080FF, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 40.0, 0); //create the label, save it's ID in the array for each player
Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(Label[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7); //just attach the label
playerid = a variable which is also an integer, in most of the native callbacks it represents the ID of the player that called said callback.

Messages In This Thread
Id 3d text - by daminOwens - 26.02.2014, 14:51
Re: Id 3d text - by daminOwens - 26.02.2014, 16:18
Respuesta: Id 3d text - by CuervO - 26.02.2014, 16:22
Re: Id 3d text - by daminOwens - 26.02.2014, 16:55
Respuesta: Id 3d text - by CuervO - 26.02.2014, 17:01
Re: Id 3d text - by daminOwens - 26.02.2014, 17:28
Respuesta: Id 3d text - by CuervO - 26.02.2014, 17:33
Re: Id 3d text - by daminOwens - 26.02.2014, 17:34
Respuesta: Id 3d text - by CuervO - 26.02.2014, 17:36

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