MySQl UPDATE on playerdisconnect ERROR ID: 1064


UPDATE playerdata SET score=0, money=1999700, level=0, vip=0, kma=0, rank=0, kills=0, deaths=0, muted=0, jailed=0, frozen=0, mutedtimes=0, jailedtimes=0, frozentimes=0, banned=0, bannedby='', logins=10, posx=109.813926, posy=-120.258743, posz=1.578125, posa=315.819549 WHERE user='Bernard_Montgomer'
It's missing the last ' to close the argument. Most likely has to do with the query array size. Increase 300 to 350 so it doesn't get cut by accident.

Messages In This Thread
MySQl UPDATE on playerdisconnect ERROR ID: 1064 - by daminOwens - 25.02.2014, 19:04
Respuesta: MySQl UPDATE on playerdisconnect ERROR ID: 1064 - by CuervO - 25.02.2014, 19:07
Re: MySQl UPDATE on playerdisconnect ERROR ID: 1064 - by daminOwens - 25.02.2014, 19:13

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