Taxi System

You're storing two parameters in the sscanf check but only checking for one.


if(sscanf(params,"s[32]", option, secoption))



if(sscanf(params,"s[32]I(65535)", option, secoption))

If you do sscanf once again below in the command it will not begin after one parameter is checked. Remove the other sscanf checks you use below in the code. I has a default value of 65535 so it can be used with players too.

Messages In This Thread
Taxi System - by FaZeRs - 25.02.2014, 18:37
Respuesta: Taxi System - by CuervO - 25.02.2014, 18:44
Re: Taxi System - by FaZeRs - 25.02.2014, 20:35

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