Make cikle back.

for(new i = 19; i == 0; i --)

what you're doing is:

for( new i = 19; //the variable i has now an integer value of 19;
i == 0; // checking if i is equal to 0, which it isn't because it's 19.
i-- // if i is equal to 0, lower the value with 1.

this will never work, as the variable i, is 19, and it ain't 0, so this will create a never ending loop, because i is always 19, and will never decrease as it only decreases when it's 0.

try this instead:

for( new i = 19; i > 0; i-- )

that checks if i is still above 0, if it is, it'll continue, else it'll stop.

Messages In This Thread
Make cikle back. - by audriuxxx - 25.02.2014, 15:12
Re: Make cikle back. - by Smileys - 25.02.2014, 15:54
Re: Make cikle back. - by Konstantinos - 25.02.2014, 15:58
Re: Make cikle back. - by Smileys - 25.02.2014, 16:23

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