Weapon system


I have need help for weapon system, I hope you help me

It's possible do not active the fire ?
It's possible to detect when player loses a weapon (more munition),
for give this weapon with 99999 ammos and if player have 99999 ammo,
it's not possible to active the fire.

It's possible ?

I've try to freeze player, tp player at 0.05 x,y different, ClearAnimations(), nothing works..

Have you a idea ?

Sorry for my english, i'm french..

Messages In This Thread
Weapon system - by Noliax8 - 25.02.2014, 13:08
Re: Weapon system - by Noliax8 - 26.02.2014, 15:41
Respuesta: Weapon system - by CuervO - 26.02.2014, 15:59
Re : Weapon system - by Noliax8 - 26.02.2014, 17:07
Respuesta: Weapon system - by CuervO - 26.02.2014, 17:12
Re : Weapon system - by Noliax8 - 27.02.2014, 11:19
Re : Weapon system - by Noliax8 - 01.03.2014, 10:53

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