[Plugin] Hash Plugin [PBKDF2, CSPRNG, SHA, Whirlpool, RIPEMD, Checksums and more]

Hash Plugin 0.0.3

This plugin was created to provide simple access to common hash function, CSPRNG and the PBKDF2 hashing method. There are, however, some other neat features listed below.
I have seen many gamemodes/scripts being released which do have a bad security when it comes to password handling. I think the problem is that people are not aware of how easy it is to crack the passwords e.g. using rainbow tables. A year ago I've released a script which uses MD5 for hashing passwords. When I look at it now, I see that this was the wrong way of doing it. This plugin will make it easy for you to securely handle passwords entrusted by your players.

- PBKDF2, a secure way of handling passwords
- Pseudo Random Generators using /dev/random or CryptGenRandom() on Windows
- Hash algorithms: SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3 (Keccak-512), Whirlpool, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320
- File checksums: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Whirlpool
- Hex and base64 coding/decoding


Hash functions
pawn Код:
native sha256(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native sha384(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native sha512(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native sha3(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native whirlpool(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native ripemd160(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native ripemd256(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
native ripemd320(const key[], hash[], len = sizeof(hash));
Pseudo random generators
The output of these functions is cryptographically secure. Please scroll down to Notes for more information.
pawn Код:
native random_int(min, max); // Also works with negative values.
native random_string(length, output[], len = sizeof(output));
Non-cryptographic algorithms
pawn Код:
native base64_encode(const input[], output[], len = sizeof(output));
native base64_decode(const input[], output[], len = sizeof(output));
native hex_encode(const input[], output[], len = sizeof(output));
native hex_decode(const input[], output[], len = sizeof(output));
PBKDF2 Hashing
PBKDF2 is a key derivation function also known as "key stretching" this method provides a high level of security. Please scroll down for an example and more information.
pawn Код:
native hash_generate(const key[], iterations, const callback[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
native hash_retrieve(hash[], salt[], hlen = sizeof(hash), slen = sizeof(salt));
native hash_validate(const key[], const hash[], const salt[], iterations, const callback[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
native hash_is_equal();
native hash_unprocessed(); // Returns the internal number of unprocessed PBKDF2 workers.
native hash_exec_time(); // Returns the execution time in milliseconds.
native hash_thread_limit(threads); // Sets the number of worker threads.
File checksums
pawn Код:
native md5sum(const file[], sum[], len = sizeof(sum));
native sha1sum(const file[], sum[], len = sizeof(sum));
native sha256sum(const file[], sum[], len = sizeof(sum));
native sha384sum(const file[], sum[], len = sizeof(sum));
native sha512sum(const file[], sum[], len = sizeof(sum));
native wpsum(const file[], sum[], len = sizeof(sum));
Length-constant comparison
pawn Код:
native slow_equals(const a[], const b[]);
Hash output length
Always add +1 for the null terminator.
pawn Код:
#define PBKDF2_LENGTH 128
#define MD5_LENGTH 32
#define SHA1_LENGTH 40
#define SHA256_LENGTH 64
#define SHA384_LENGTH 96
#define SHA512_LENGTH 128
#define SHA3_LENGTH 128
#define RIPEMD160_LENGTH 40
#define RIPEMD256_LENGTH 64
#define RIPEMD320_LENGTH 80
Hashing passwords with PBKDF2
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <hash>

#define ITERATIONS 150000

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case DIALOG_REGISTER:
            hash_generate(inputtext, ITERATIONS, "OnPasswordHash", "i", playerid);
            return 1;
        case DIALOG_LOGIN:
            new hash[PBKDF2_LENGTH + 1], salt[PBKDF2_LENGTH + 1];
            // The variable hash and salt are being fetched from database.
            hash_validate(inputtext, hash, salt, ITERATIONS, "OnPasswordValidate", "i", playerid);
            return 1;
    return 0;

forward public OnPasswordHash(playerid);
public OnPasswordHash(playerid)
    new hash[PBKDF2_LENGTH + 1], salt[PBKDF2_LENGTH + 1];
    hash_retrieve(hash, salt);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Your password has been hashed.");
    // You can now save hash and salt in the database.
    return 1;

forward public OnPasswordValidate(playerid);
public OnPasswordValidate(playerid)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Correct password!");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Invalid password!");
    return 1;
  • PBKDF2 stands for Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2.
  • A cryptographically secure 512 bit salt is being generated internally and applied to the password.
  • The iteration count specifies how often the password is being hashed to generate a derived key (hash).
  • The Hash Plugin implemenation uses Whirlpool for hashing.
  • I recommend using 100000 iterations but this mostly depends on the CPU power you have available. The higher the iteration count the more difficult it is to crack the password.
  • It takes approximately 400ms to generate the derived key when using 100000 iterations.
Password hashing with salts
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <hash>

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case DIALOG_REGISTER:
            new salt[33], string[128 + 33];
            random_string(32, salt);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s%s", inputtext, salt);
            new hash[SHA3_LENGTH + 1];
            sha3(string, hash);
            SCM(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Your password has been salted and hashed!");
            // Save salt and hash in the database.
            return 1;
        case DIALOG_LOGIN:
            new hash[SHA512_LENGTH + 1], salt[33];
            // The variable hash and salt are being fetched from database.
            new string[128 + 33], validate_hash[SHA3_LENGTH + 1];
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s%s", inputtext, salt);
            sha3(string, validate_hash);
            if(!strcmp(hash, validate_hash))
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Correct password!");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Invalid password!");
            return 1;
    return 0;
Download & Changelog
(2018-09-07) 0.0.5 GitHub download
- Fix empty-string crash
- Add crc32 support
- Update Crypto++ to 7.0.0
- Rewrite to use C++17 standard
- Remove boost reference
- Add sampctl config by BronzeCheese

(2014-07-08 ) 0.0.4 GitHub download
- Security update

(2014-04-01) 0.0.3 hash-plugin-0.0.3.rar
- Crypto++ will now be compiled within the Hash Plugin rather than using a precompiled library
- Code improvements

Thanks to maddinat0r for his contribution.

(2014-03-27) 0.0.2 hash-plugin-0.0.2.rar
- Added SHA3() function using Keccak-512

(2014-02-24) 0.0.1 hash-plugin-0.0.1.rar
- Initial release

Add the include file (hash.inc) to your script and re-compile.
Upload the Hash Plugin in the plugin folder of your server and append following to the server.cfg.

plugins hash.so
plugins hash
Source Code & Compiling Notes
The full source code can be viewed on Github. In order to compile it you will need to install the boost library (Explained below).

NOTE: Boost is no longer required since version 0.0.5
Install gcc, g++ and make on your machine.
Download, extract boost and install boost:
# ./bootstrap.sh
# ./b2 address-model=32 variant=release install
Clone the Github project and find the directory which contains makefile.
Type make to start compiling.
After compiling hash.so will be located in the bin folder.
NOTE: Boost is no longer required since version 0.0.5
Download and extract boost.
Open a command line and navigate to the extracted folder.
> bootstrap
> b2 toolset=msvc-10.0 variant=release threading=multi link=static
Close the Github project and open it with Visual C++ 2010.
Select "Release" from the dropdown menu at the top.
Go to the solution property page -> VC++ Directories.
Point Include Directories and Library Directories to your boost installation folder.
Compile the project.
After compiling hash.dll will be located in the bin folder.
  • Unlike the pawn native "random", both random_int and random_string uses /dev/random or /dev/urandom on Linux and CryptGenRandom() on Windows. Those are not real random generated numbers but pseudo random generated numbers. This means that they still follow algorithms unlike humans do.
  • NEVER use base64 or hex to encode passwords! They can be decoded as are not made for that purpose. Please refer to Wikipedia if you want to learn more about base64 and hex.
  • You can generate salts using random_string. Do not reuse salts. The charset is 0-9, a-z and A-Z.
  • All hashes are being output in uppercase.
  • A test script can be found here: http://pastebin.com/7vC7DtZg
  • Please do not suggest MD5 or any other weak algorithm to be added as a hashing function.
  • I have tested the plugin under Windows 8, CentOS 6.5 and Ubuntu 10.04.
  • The Hash Plugin works because of the effort put into the Crypto++ and boost library. You might want to check out their sites.

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