MySQL Crash

Search for any "fopen" in your script and verify that the path and filename you want to open exists.

fopen will still return something if the given file doesn't exist and store it in your supplied handle-variables.
Then after using fread with that invalid filehandle, it crashes because it cannot read from a non-existant file.

Checkout the first example to find out how to detect if the file exists.

MySQL has nothing to do with basic pawn natives that are only used to open/read/write/delete files.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Crash - by ahmedkoki - 22.02.2014, 01:46
Re: MySQL Crash - by Konstantinos - 22.02.2014, 09:51
Re: MySQL Crash - by ahmedkoki - 22.02.2014, 12:42
Re: MySQL Crash - by ahmedkoki - 22.02.2014, 19:03
Re: MySQL Crash - by PowerPC603 - 22.02.2014, 19:55
Re: MySQL Crash - by Konstantinos - 22.02.2014, 20:04
Re: MySQL Crash - by ahmedkoki - 22.02.2014, 20:11

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