22.02.2014, 14:47
Последний раз редактировалось BigGroter; 22.02.2014 в 15:47.
Okay, I almost solved the problem.
Say I have three factions, and I delete the number 2, number 3 takes its place but also keeps the third slot, why? Remember that this is all visual IG, nothing is wrong with the tables or the database.
Read the original post for the /factions and /deletefaction command.
before loading, now I have to type /deletefaction <faction id> twice to delete a faction, then after I have deleted one faction I can continue deleting with /deletefaction, not needing to use it twice. :S
Say I have three factions, and I delete the number 2, number 3 takes its place but also keeps the third slot, why? Remember that this is all visual IG, nothing is wrong with the tables or the database.
Faction 1 Faction 2 - Delete this Faction 3 Ends up looking like this. Faction 1 Faction 3 Faction 3
pawn Код:
for(new i=0;i<MAX_FACTIONS;i++)
strdel(fInfo[i][fName], 0, 65);