Faction, MySQL

Okay, I almost solved the problem.

Say I have three factions, and I delete the number 2, number 3 takes its place but also keeps the third slot, why? Remember that this is all visual IG, nothing is wrong with the tables or the database.
Faction 1
Faction 2 - Delete this
Faction 3

Ends up looking like this.

Faction 1
Faction 3
Faction 3
Read the original post for the /factions and /deletefaction command.

pawn Код:
for(new i=0;i<MAX_FACTIONS;i++)
        strdel(fInfo[i][fName], 0, 65);
before loading, now I have to type /deletefaction <faction id> twice to delete a faction, then after I have deleted one faction I can continue deleting with /deletefaction, not needing to use it twice. :S

Messages In This Thread
Faction, MySQL - by BigGroter - 22.02.2014, 12:56
Re: Faction, MySQL - by Vince - 22.02.2014, 13:00
Re: Faction, MySQL - by BigGroter - 22.02.2014, 13:31
Re : Faction, MySQL - by S4t3K - 22.02.2014, 13:48
Re: Faction, MySQL - by BigGroter - 22.02.2014, 13:53
Re : Faction, MySQL - by S4t3K - 22.02.2014, 14:13
Re: Faction, MySQL - by BigGroter - 22.02.2014, 14:31
Re : Faction, MySQL - by S4t3K - 22.02.2014, 14:35
Re: Faction, MySQL - by BigGroter - 22.02.2014, 14:47

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