21.02.2014, 22:22
new str[2048]; str = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `joueurs`(\ `ID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \ `Username` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \ `Password` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \ `IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \ `DerniereIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \ `Admin` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `VIP` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Argent` int(10) NOT NULL,\ `Banque` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `posX` float NOT NULL, \ `posY` float NOT NULL, \ `posZ` float NOT NULL, \ `Interieur` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \ `World` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "; strcat(str,"`Skin` smallint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \ `Niveau` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `DateInscription` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \ `Bannis` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `RaisonBan` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \ `BannisPar` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \ `Vie` float NOT NULL, \ `Armure` float NOT NULL, \ `MinutesJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `HeuresJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `JoursJoues` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Prison` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `TempsPrison` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Tues` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Morts int(10) NOT NULL, "); strcat(str,"`Arme1` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Munition1` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Arme2` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Munition2` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Arme3` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Munition3` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Arme4` int(10) NOT NULL, \ `Munition4` int(10) NOT NULL, \ PRIMARY KEY (`ID`))"); mysql_tquery(mysql, str, "", "");
Should I create "str2" then add to this str the first one ? Or something else ?
Thank you