Possible to find which ID was created MySQL INSERT?

pawn Код:
mysql_format(mysql, qString, sizeof(qString), "INSERT INTO `vehicles` (`Model`, `posX`, `posY`, `posZ`, `Angle`, `Colour1`, `Colour2`) VALUES ('%i', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%i', '%i')", vInfo[i][vModel], vInfo[i][vPosX], vInfo[i][vPosY], vInfo[i][vPosZ], vInfo[i][Ale], vInfo[i][vColour1], vInfo[i][vColour2]);
            mysql_tquery(mysql, qString, "", "");
And this?

Messages In This Thread
Possible to find which ID was created MySQL INSERT? - by Ryan_Undering - 21.02.2014, 20:02
Re: Possible to find which ID was created MySQL INSERT? - by Vince - 21.02.2014, 20:04
Re: Possible to find which ID was created MySQL INSERT? - by Ryan_Undering - 21.02.2014, 20:30
Re: Possible to find which ID was created MySQL INSERT? - by Roam - 21.02.2014, 20:47
Re: Possible to find which ID was created MySQL INSERT? - by Ryan_Undering - 21.02.2014, 20:55

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