
Hello there. I am having difficulties with the AttachObjectToVehicle. I made some vehicles with the CreateVehicle function and named them. After that I made a function which called it PutObjects, created 6 same objects, used the aAttachObjectToVehicle function but they didn't appear in game. I also debugged, and the weird is that it printed all of them. I currently can't give any code, but I thought maybe you could give me an example of it. Thank you so much.

Messages In This Thread
AttachObjectToVehicle - by Necip - 20.02.2014, 21:20
Re: AttachObjectToVehicle - by Necip - 21.02.2014, 04:26
Re: AttachObjectToVehicle - by BroZeus - 21.02.2014, 05:27
Re: AttachObjectToVehicle - by Necip - 21.02.2014, 12:42

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