Help in OnPlayerDeath

Doesn't work

This is all the fs, sorry if you don't understand something, it's italian.

Ah ehm, doesn't work too OnPlayerTakeDamage

// This is a comment
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript

#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>

#define giallo 0xFFFF00AA
#define grigio 0xAFAFAFAA
#define verde 0x33AA33AA
#define rosso 0xFF0000AA
#define blu 0x0000BBAA
#define azzurro 0x33CCFFAA
#define rossoscuro 0x660000AA
#define bianco 0xFFFFFFAA
#define biancoi 0xFFFFFF00
#define arancione 0xFF9900AA
#define viola 0x9E18E7FF
#define verdechiaro 0x8CED15
#define nero 0x3C3C3CFF
#define limone 0x55FF00FF
#define marrone 0x7D0000FF
#define lime 0x32CD32AA
#define beige 0x9F9742FF

new jjplayer[MAX_PLAYERS];
new bool:jjon = false;
new jasonid[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0;
new jason, playerjason, jjmorto[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Jasont1;
new Jasont2;
new Jasont3;
new Jasont4;

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS, i++)
	jasonid[i] = 0;
	jjplayer[i] = 0;
	jason = 0;
	playerjason = 0;
	jjon = false;
	jjmorto[i] = 0;
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS, i++)
	jasonid[i] = 0;
	jjplayer[i] = 0;
	jason = 0;
	playerjason = 0;
	jjon = false;
	jjmorto[i] = 0;
	return 1;



forward kick(playerid);
public kick(playerid)

forward antikill(playerid);
public antikill(playerid)
	   TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
	   GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~scongelato!", 3000, 5);

forward jjsec(playerid);
public jjsec(playerid)
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
	  if(jjplayer[i] || jasonid[i])
	   SendClientMessage(jjplayer[playerid], rosso, "*** Sopravvivi!");
	   SendClientMessage(jasonid[playerid], rosso, "*** Squartali tutti, Jason!");
	   TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
	   GameTextForPlayer(i, "~g~go!", 3000, 5);

forward inizioj(playerid);
public inizioj(playerid)
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
	  if(jjplayer[i] || jasonid[i])
	   SendClientMessage(jjplayer[i], giallo, "*** Tempo scaduto! L'evento inizierа tra 3 secondi.");
	   SendClientMessage(jasonid[i], giallo, "*** Tempo scaduto! L'evento inizierа tra 3 secondi.");
	   Jasont3 = SetTimer("jjsec", 3000, false);
	   TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
	   SetPlayerHealth(jasonid[i], 500);
	   GivePlayerWeapon(i, 23, 15), GivePlayerWeapon(i, 5, 1);
	   SetPlayerHealth(i, 100);

forward hidej(playerid);
public hidej(playerid)
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
	  if(jjplayer[i] || jasonid[i])
	   SendClientMessage(i, giallo, "*** Hai un minuto per nasconderti, dopodichи Jason verrа a cercarti!");
	   GameTextForPlayer(jjplayer[i], "~r~scappa!", 3000, 5);
	   Jasont2 = SetTimer("inizioj", 60000, false);
//Comandi per gli admin

	if(jjon == true) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento и giа attivo!");
	jjon = true;
	new stringj[128], nomej[24];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, nomej, sizeof(nomej));
	format(stringj,128,"*** L'admin %s ha attivato l'evento Jason Il Killer! Per parteciparvi digita /joinj!", nomej);
	SendClientMessageToAll(verde, stringj);
	return 1;

	if(jjon == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento non и attivo!");
	jjon = false;
	new stringj[128], nomej[24];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, nomej, sizeof(nomej));
	format(stringj,128,"*** L'evento Jason Il Killer и stato disattivato dall'admin: %s!", nomej);
	SendClientMessageToAll(verde, stringj);
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	jasonid[i] = 0, jjplayer[i] = 0, jjmorto[i] = 0, jason = 0, playerjason = 0;
	KillTimer(Jasont1), KillTimer(Jasont2), KillTimer(Jasont3), KillTimer(Jasont4);
	return 1;

	new idj, stringj[128], nomej[24], nomeja[24];
	if(jjon == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento non и attivo!");
	if(sscanf(params, "u", idj)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, arancione, "Usa: /jason ID!");
	if(jason == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Puoi scegliere solo 1 jason!");
	if(idj == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Questo utente non и connesso!");
	jjplayer[idj] = 0;
	jasonid[idj] = 1;
	jason ++;
	GetPlayerName(playerid, nomej, sizeof(nomej));
	GetPlayerName(idj, nomeja, sizeof(nomeja));
	format(stringj,128,"*** L'admin %s ha scelto come Jason dell'evento: %s!", nomej, nomeja);
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		  SendClientMessage(i, verde, stringj);
	SendClientMessage(idj, verde, stringj);
	SetPlayerSkin(idj, 162);
    SetPlayerAttachedObject(idj, 0, 19036, 2, 0.107, 0.028, 0.0, 90, 90, 0);
    SetPlayerColor(idj, bianco);
    SetPlayerPos(idj, -463.6253,-188.2507,77.8555);
    SetPlayerFacingAngle(idj, 89.1170);
    TogglePlayerControllable(idj, 0);
    SetPlayerHealth(idj, 9999);
    GivePlayerWeapon(idj, 9, 1);
    return 1;

	new idj, stringj[128], nomej[24], nomeja[24];
	if(jjon == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento non и attivo!");
	if(sscanf(params, "u", idj)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, arancione, "Usa: /djason ID!");
	if(jasonid[idj] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Questo utente non и Jason!");
	if(idj == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Questo utente non и connesso!");
	jjplayer[idj] = 1;
	jasonid[idj] = 0;
	GetPlayerName(playerid, nomej, sizeof(nomej));
	GetPlayerName(idj, nomeja, sizeof(nomeja));
	format(stringj,128,"*** L'admin %s ha tolto come Jason dell'evento: %s!", nomej, nomeja);
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		  SendClientMessage(i, verde, stringj);
	SetPlayerSkin(idj, 10);
	SetPlayerColor(idj, nero);
	RemovePlayerAttachedObject(idj, 19036);
	jason --;
	TogglePlayerControllable(idj, 1);
	SetPlayerHealth(idj, 100);
	return 1;

	if(jjon == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento non и attivo!");
	if(jason == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Devi scegliere prima un Jason!");
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	if(jjplayer[i] || jasonid[i])
	GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Pronti?", 3000, 5);
	Jasont1 = SetTimer("hidej", 3000, false);
	return 1;

//Comandi per i player

	if(jjplayer[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Sei giа all'evento!");
	if(jjon == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento non и attivo!");
	if(jjmorto[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Hai giа perso all'evento!");
	if(playerjason > 15) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Posti finiti!");
	jjplayer[playerid] = 1;
	jasonid[playerid] = 0;
	playerjason ++;
	SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 10);
	SetPlayerColor(playerid, nero);
	SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 920);
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
	return 1;

	if(jjplayer[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Non sei all'evento!");
	if(jjon == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** L'evento non и attivo!");
	if(jasonid[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, rosso, "*** Non puoi uscire dall'evento perchи sei Jason! Fatti desettare da un admin.");
	jjplayer[playerid] = 0;
	new nomej[24], stringaj[128];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, nomej, sizeof(nomej));
	format(stringaj,128,"*** %s и uscito dall'evento Jason il Killer! (/escij)", nomej);
	SendClientMessageToAll(giallo, stringaj);
	jjmorto[playerid] = 1;
	playerjason --;
	return 1;


public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    jasonid[playerid] = 0;
	jjplayer[playerid] = 0;
	jjmorto[playerid] = 0;
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    jasonid[playerid] = 0;
	jjplayer[playerid] = 0;
	jjmorto[playerid] = 0;
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(playerid == jjplayer[playerid] && killerid == jasonid[killerid])
            new namej[24], stringaj[128];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, namej, sizeof(namej));
            format(stringaj,128,"[EVENTO] Jason ha ucciso %s!", namej);
            for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                if(jjplayer[i]) return SendClientMessage(i, giallo, stringaj);
                if(jasonid[i]) return SendClientMessage(i, rosso, "*** Sete di saaaangue!");
            jjmorto[playerid] = 1;
            playerjason --;
        if(killerid != jasonid[killerid] && playerid == jjplayer[playerid])
            new namej[24], stringaj[128];
            GetPlayerName(killerid, namej, sizeof(namej));
            format(stringaj,128,"[EVENTO] %s и stato automaticamente kickato per aver killato un giocatore all'evento!");
            SendClientMessageToAll(rosso, stringaj);
            SetTimerEx("kick", 1000, false, "d", killerid);
    if(playerjason == 0)
        SendClientMessageToAll(rosso, "[EVENTO] Jason ha ucciso tutte le sue prede!");
        SendClientMessageToAll(rosso, "Di conseguenza ha vinto 20 cookies e 30 EXP come premio!");
        SendClientMessageToAll(giallo, "*** Evento Jason il Killer chiuso automaticamente!");
        jjon = false;
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) jjmorto[i] = 0, jjplayer[i] = 0, jasonid[i] = 0, jason = 0, playerjason = 0;
    jjmorto[playerid] = 1;
    jjplayer[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
	if(playerid == jjplayer[playerid] && issuerid == jjplayer[playerid])
	SendClientMessage(issuerid, rosso, "*** Non attaccare i tuoi amici o verrai kickato!");
	Jasont4 = SetTimerEx("antikill", 3000, false, "d", issuerid);
	GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~r~No kill!", 5000, 5);
	SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
	TogglePlayerControllable(issuerid, 0);
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 19.02.2014, 20:50
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Konstantinos - 19.02.2014, 21:10
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 19.02.2014, 21:18
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 20.02.2014, 10:01
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 21.02.2014, 13:29
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 21.02.2014, 20:23
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 22.02.2014, 13:41
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 01.03.2014, 20:58
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 03.03.2014, 12:54
Re: Help in OnPlayerDeath - by Minatoo - 07.03.2014, 21:22

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