Proportion calculations for textdraw

Posting for future reference.

Solved - It was a simple three rule:

300 (Difference between Max Y and Min Y) - Total Pages (all of the pages)
X (unknown Y for each page) - Current Page

So you can calculate: ((300 * (Current Page-1))/Total Pages)+125 and you'll get the proportional Y coordinate.

-1 Is there so it can result 0 and go back to the start:: 0/0 = 0 (not really) + 125 = 125.

Messages In This Thread
Proportion calculations for textdraw - by CuervO - 17.02.2014, 10:32
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by CuervO - 17.02.2014, 15:55
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by Pottus - 17.02.2014, 17:10
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by CuervO - 17.02.2014, 17:21
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by Pottus - 17.02.2014, 17:25
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by CuervO - 17.02.2014, 17:29
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by Pottus - 17.02.2014, 17:35
Re: Proportion calculations for textdraw - by CuervO - 17.02.2014, 17:43

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