How do I make a [MAP]?

or search these forums for the sa-mp map editor.

Just search for editor and the topic should be called "A real life map editor!".

download and use that.

Bugs: The last 3 numbers of create object (the X,Y,Z ROTATION) are saved as the opposite number. You can fix this by changing, in the saved pwn file, the last 3 numbers to their opposites
e.g. 100, -135, 70 should be -100,135,-70
And sometimes, one of the objects will have the x rotation saved to 180, so all you do is just set it to 0 (or whatever you want it).

CreateObject(objectID, X Location, Y Location, Z Location, X Rotation, Y Rotation, Z Rotation);

Messages In This Thread
How do I make a [MAP]? - by [CK]Steel - 14.05.2009, 22:11
Re: How do I make a [MAP]? - by BP13 - 14.05.2009, 23:18
Re: How do I make a [MAP]? - by MarcoNecroX - 14.05.2009, 23:23
Re: How do I make a [MAP]? - by Badger(new) - 14.05.2009, 23:31

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