GameTextForPlayer Bug in 0.3z

Well, I found a bug in 0.3z when I updated my server,
its a GameTextForPlayer bug.
What happens is that when I send a screen message to any player at my server with GameTextForPlayer, if the string of the gametext is too long it would obviously split up in two lines but when it does it loses the color which I am using to send the GameText.

For Example:

I do

pawn Код:
~r~~h~Hello All! Welcome to my server! We just updated to 0.3z!
it would be shown as


Hello All! Welcome to my server!
We just updated to 0.3z!

where only "Hello All! Welcome to my server!" would be red as I applied the ~r~~h~ code and the rest of the GameText "We just updated to 0.3z" would have normal GameText color, which is yellowish brown!
I didnt really see this bug in 0.3x tested it after seeing it in 0.3z but its not there in 0.3x.
However if I dont apply the ~h~ code this bug does not appear

Messages In This Thread
GameTextForPlayer Bug in 0.3z - by iBeast - 13.02.2014, 15:09
Re: GameTextForPlayer Bug in 0.3z - by ColeMiner - 13.02.2014, 16:33

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