10.02.2014, 23:28
Since Posx, Posy, Posz and Ang are used as variables of the type 'float', you have to give them Float: tag inside the function header as well. Your function declaration should look like:
For more about 'tags', check this article!
No, there are no extra params in the function. If he had an extra param, it'd throw "Number of arguments does not match definition".
pawn Код:
stock VehicleCreate(Modelo, Float:Posx, Float:Posy, Float:Posz, Float:Ang, Color1, Color2, Pintura, Dueno[], Nombre[], Spoiler, DefensaD, DefensaT, Lampara, Hidraulicos, Ruedas, Escape, Capo, Techo, Ventanillas, Nitro)
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
Have you tried removing it? PD: otro venezolano |