Realistic weapon damage

Abagail, Yes you right, Danice or anou1 can use to ADD damage but by "wiki" OnplayerTakeDamage and OnPlayerGiveDamage

amount The amount of dagmage the player took (health and armour combined).

P.S. Danice, No I think you can't, OnPlayerTakeDamage it is called when Player takes damage so you only can add damage to him...
EDIT: Really you can you need to add Float:amount and then minus damage what you want
This should work... But I don't really know how to add if player armour and hp(together) was lost
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid)
    new Float:Armour,Float:HP;
    if (HP == 100)
        if(weaponid == 24) SetPlayerArmour(playerid,Armour-45);
        if(weaponid == 24) SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-45);

Messages In This Thread
Realistic weapon damage - by DaniceMcHarley - 10.02.2014, 19:11
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by anou1 - 10.02.2014, 19:16
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by [EnErGyS]KING - 10.02.2014, 19:22
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by anou1 - 10.02.2014, 19:37
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by Abagail - 10.02.2014, 19:40
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by [EnErGyS]KING - 10.02.2014, 19:51
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by DaniceMcHarley - 10.02.2014, 20:08
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by CuervO - 10.02.2014, 20:13
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by [EnErGyS]KING - 10.02.2014, 20:17
Re: Realistic weapon damage - by DaniceMcHarley - 11.02.2014, 06:21

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