Originally Posted by CuervO
pawn Код:
SetPVarInt(playerid,"LoginTries", GetPVarInt(playerid, "LoginTries")+1); if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"LoginTries") != 4) { new message[64]; DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 1); format(message, sizeof(message),"Incorrect password. Please try again. (%d/4 tries).",GetPVarInt(playerid,"LoginTries")); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, message); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, LIGHTRED, "You have entered an incorrect password too many times. You have been kicked."), Kick(playerid); } return 1;
And don't be impatient, don't bump each hour. Minimum time to bump is 24 hours.
thank you sir it works and sorry I didn't know the Bump minimum time.