Graffiti objects

Hi. I am in the process of creating the tag system and I discovered a bug with graffiti objects. Code:

CreateObject(18663, -89.60930, -5.27910, 3.53030,   0.00000, 0.00000, 159.32069);
CreateObject(1526, -88.66608, -2.48086, 3.53309,   0.00000, 0.00000, 160.49011);
Screen made in samp map editor

Screen made in game by camera

In map editor and in the code you see that there are two different objects. first is normal rifa tag, second is drawed rifa tag by grove, but in game this looks like the same objects. If you create drawed tag object, system creates normal tag (not tagged). Will be this fixed? Sorry for my english.

Messages In This Thread
Graffiti objects - by ball - 10.02.2014, 11:37
Re: Graffiti objects - by ikey07 - 10.02.2014, 13:12

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