People giving out CO-Owner rank for scripting a GM from Scratch

Originally Posted by Danny.
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Well some people want to build up something from the ground and are happy to participate in a project.
Yes, but isn't it unfair if they don't offer anything else rather than a CO-Owner rank? I fully agree that if they do what they can and help out as much as they can / have time for then I am fine with it. However, if they only offer me CO-Owner and expect me to do all the work then I think it's unfair.

Originally Posted by Danny.
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I know what I'm talking about since I scripted for a community for over 3 years without receiving any reward you mention.
I never said that I wanted any of the rewards stated above, I just said that I know people might help others for those perks. How much did this community help you though, how much of the work did you have to do on your own?

Originally Posted by Danny.
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You help building a community in which you can have a great time, and that's the best reward ever.
Yes, I can imagine it being very rewarding because you get a lot of experience and perhaps even future friends from it. However, before you build this connection it might be a good idea if all of you do the same amount of work in the start.

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