Switching TextDraw string..

I don't know how to explain this but I'll try my best.

I am trying to make a Joining/Parting text draw which will show the last four players either joined or parted. When player connects I want it to add latest in the bottom. Like this

JOIN: Alex Sanchez
PART: Leo Messi
JOIN: Nemyar
JOIN: Xavi

Now if Renaldo comes on, it shows "JOIN: Renoldo" in place of "JOIN: Xavi" and "JOIN: Xavi will slide up and so will Nemyar and all above it. But "JOIN: Alex Sahchez will just disappear and in place of that will come "PART: Leo Messi"

I hope it's understandable. Here's what I've got so far.

pawn Код:
JoinPart[0] = TextDrawCreate(550.0,352.0,"Empty1");
    JoinPart[1] = TextDrawCreate(550.0,368.0,"Empty2");
    JoinPart[2] = TextDrawCreate(550.0,384.0,"Empty3");
    JoinPart[3] = TextDrawCreate(550.0,400.0,"Empty4");
    for(new i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        TextDrawTextSize(JoinPart[i],0.5, 1.0);
Don't know what to do after that. Please help me get going!

Messages In This Thread
Switching TextDraw string.. - by Tayab - 05.02.2014, 03:20
Re: Switching TextDraw string.. - by CuervO - 05.02.2014, 11:50
Re: Switching TextDraw string.. - by Tayab - 06.02.2014, 04:01

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