
pawn Код:
new String[128]; // Imma use string size 128

format(String, sizeof String("This vehicle is owned by %s", vData[vehicleid][pOwner]); // Im going to use vData[vehicleid][pOwner] as a example

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, String);
I suggest storing data into enums,

then just calling them from the enum..

Edit: didnt see the ejection from vehicle:

and check out enums:

Messages In This Thread
Help? - by eblood1 - 04.02.2014, 04:46
Re: Help? - by Shockey HD - 04.02.2014, 04:48
Re: Help? - by Don_Cage - 04.02.2014, 04:53
Re: Help? - by eblood1 - 04.02.2014, 04:55
Re: Help? - by Shockey HD - 04.02.2014, 04:56
Re: Help? - by eblood1 - 04.02.2014, 05:01
Re: Help? - by eblood1 - 04.02.2014, 06:05
Re: Help? - by RajatPawar - 04.02.2014, 06:10
Re: Help? - by eblood1 - 04.02.2014, 06:15
Re: Help? - by DaniceMcHarley - 04.02.2014, 06:43

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