[FS/Inc] Interlingua Script - Translate English - German - Portugues

Translator - 3 Languagues

Translate the Ingame Client Message to ur Language
54 Examples like "Hello" - "Hallo" - "Olla"
The World List can be easily modified
World List avaible as Include/Filterscript
Menu for selecting ur Language
It works with the Prx Detector so only ppl in your Range can hear the Translation

It works like this...


Franz sagt: Ich brauche 300 Doller fьr ein Auto
As American Guy u can see this text above and now the Translator starts to work

Franz says: I need for Car
It does not translate the hole text it just translate the German Wordґs u have in the Translation List


{"Hallo", "Hello", "Ola"},
{"Was", "What", "Que"},
{"Eins", "One", "Uno"},
{"Zwei", "Two", "Due"},
{"Drei", "Three", "Tre"},
{"Vier", "Four", "Quatro"},
{"Fьnf", "Five", "Sinqo"},
{"Sechs", "Six", "Seys"},
{"Sieben", "Seven", "Setche" },
{"Acht", "Eight", "Outo"},
{"Neun", "Nine", "Nove"},
{"Zehn", "Ten", "Dez"},
{"Wie", "How", "Como"},
{"Uhr", "Watch", "Heloscho"},
{"Polizei", "Police", "Policia"},
{"Auto", "Vehicle", "Carro"}, // -> 16
{"Motorad", "Motorbike", "Motocycleta"},
{"Fahrrad", "Bike", "Bycycleta"},
{"Alter", "Age", "Ano"},
{"Du", "You", "Voce"}, // -> 20
{"Los", "Go", "Vamos"},
{"Auto", "Vehicle", "Carro"},
{"Flugzeug", "Plane", "Aviou"},
{"Boot", "Boat", "Barque"},
{"Geld", "Money", "Dinhero"},
{"Essen", "Eat", "Comher"},
{"Etwas", "Something", "-"},
{"Komm", "Come", "Venhe"},
{"Wo", "Where", "Onde"}, //-> 30
{"Nummer", "Number", "Nummero"},
{"Drucken", "Print", "Printar"},
{"Uhrzeit", "Time", "Horas"},
{"Zug", "Train", "-"},
{"Schnell", "Fast", "Rapido"},
{"Nitro", "NOS", "-"},
{"Fesseln", "Tie", "Amahar"},
{"Gib", "Give", "Da"},
{"From", "Von", "De"},
{"Mikro", "Headset", "Microphon"}, //-> 40
{"Spieler", "Player", "Jugador"},
{"Panzer", "Tank", "Tanque"},
{"Hilfe", "Help", "Ajuda"},
{"Ruf", "Call", "Telephonar"},
{"Bezahle", "Pay", "Pagar"},
{"Handy", "Cellphone", "Cerular"},
{"Heute", "Today", "Hoje"},
{"Morgen", "Tomorow", "Amonja"},
{"Was zur Hцlle", "Wtf", "Porra"},
{"Stufe", "Level", "-"}, //-> 50
{"Leben","Health", "Vida"},
{"Krankenhaus", "Hospital", "Hospital"},
{"Langsam", "Slow", "Divagar"},
{"Tankstelle", "Petrol Station", "Tanque Petrol"},
{"Musik", "Music", "Musica"} //-> 54

if u want to add a word pls change the


Translations[54]/*<- +1*/[LanguageModul]

Version 0.1 - Download

Credits goes to:


Brazil KillaZ
Jason Gregory akб Darktropper


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