Player Health problem

Why does that example is that big? Isn't it possible to do more easier way? Ohh and when I tried using this code in OnPlayerTakeDamage

pawn Code:
new Float:health;
      GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
      SetPlayerHealthEx(playerid, health-amount);
And whenever I jumped from a mid air loosing 5 HP so my clients HP subtracted to 95.000000, but script HP was 95.050003 why ? I need it be exactly same.

Messages In This Thread
Player Health problem - by Gilbonzo - 31.01.2014, 21:49
Re: Player Health problem - by MisterTickle - 31.01.2014, 22:48
Re: Player Health problem - by erminpr0 - 31.01.2014, 23:01
Re: Player Health problem - by EiresJason - 31.01.2014, 23:04
Re: Player Health problem - by Gilbonzo - 31.01.2014, 23:26
Re: Player Health problem - by CuervO - 31.01.2014, 23:54
Re: Player Health problem - by Gilbonzo - 01.02.2014, 10:03
Re: Player Health problem - by CuervO - 01.02.2014, 10:16

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