31.01.2014, 03:25
Assuming you've got windows > https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Windows_Server. Skip the port forwarding part if you only want to create a LAN testing server.
You have to compile the gamemode into an .amx if it's not done yet (F5 key on PAWNO with all the includes needed), then you put the .amx in the gamemodes folder and at server.cfg in gamemodes you put whatever you have named the compiled script.
You have to compile the gamemode into an .amx if it's not done yet (F5 key on PAWNO with all the includes needed), then you put the .amx in the gamemodes folder and at server.cfg in gamemodes you put whatever you have named the compiled script.
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 1 rcon_password 1337 maxplayers 1 port 7777 hostname My own server. gamemode0 test 1 filterscripts plugins announce 0 query 1 weburl www.sa-mp.com onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]