29.01.2014, 14:06
That's ridiculously wrong, but anyway...
C is good for raw performance, which is very rarely needed today. I'd suggest sticking with something higher-level: C#, Python, PHP, depending on what you are doing. Learning C as an exercise to understand low-level PC details is OK, but if you want a language to really stretch your brain - I suggest Haskell. It is nothing like anything you have seen before (unless you know F#, mentioned above). Getting your head around this will take quite a while to begin with, but once you do it will change the way you look at all other programs for the better - believe me! |
Forget about C. Learn Java. In this day and age Java is more useful and more fun to learn.
^ Pretty much this.
Anyway, luckly I just found a link to an introduction article on C: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/cdescent/ It may be good, it may not - it looks OK though. |
If anyone was wondering, I'll list some of the languages I already know moderately well.
- JavaScript
- C++
- C#