[Ajuda] warings de tag mismatch

Bom estou convertendo pra DOF2 meu gamemode

porйm deu 6 warings

Tipo eu troquei algumas variaveis pra nгo dar erro porque jб tem variaveis definidas no meu gamemode

exemplos : file й f nesta funзгo file: j = fopen (file6, io_readwrite),

por isso que eu troquei por "j"

C:\Users\USER\Desktop\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(275) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(277) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(1037) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(1059) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(1061) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\pawno\include\DOF2.inc(1169) : warning 213: tag mismatch
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

6 Warnings.
pawn Код:
Linha 275:  new file: j = fopen (file6, io_append);

stock DOF2::CreateFile (file6 [], password [] = "")
    if (!DOF2::FileExists (file6))
        new file: j = fopen (file6, io_append);

            if (password [0])
                return DOF2::SetInt (file6, USER_PW_HASH_KEY, DOF2::num_hash (password));
            return 1;
    return 0;

// Linha 277: if(fclose(j))

// Funзгo acima

// Linha 1037: file: j = fopen (file6, io_readwrite),

// Funзгo:

stock DOF2::ParseFile (file6 [], extraid = -1, bool: callback = false)
    if (file6 [0] && DOF2::FileExists (file6))
        Write the file in the buffer when:
        - There is actually a file in the buffer
        - The file in the buffer is not the file you want to parse and this file has been changed.
        - Or the current file is the file you want to and has been changed.

        //if (CurrentFile [0] && ((strcmp (CurrentFile, file) && FileChanged) || FileChanged))
        if (CurrentFile [0] && FileChanged) // Equal to the query above but shorter.
            DOF2::WriteFile ();

            file: j = fopen (file6, io_readwrite),
            buf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
        #if PACK_CONTENT == true
                  line [MAX_LINE_SIZE char],
            tag [MAX_SECTION_TAG],
            line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
            key [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
            value [MAX_LINE_SIZE],

        if (j)
            FileChanged = false;
            DOF2::SetFile (file6);

            Sections.Count = 1;
            Entries.Count = 0;
            Sections.FirstEntry [0] = Sections.LastEntry [0] = INVALID_ENTRY;

            for (new i, size = flength (j); i < size; ++i)
                c = fgetchar (j, 0, UseUTF8);
                if (pos == MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1 || c == '\n' || c == '\r')
                    c = '\0';
            #if PACK_CONTENT == true
                line {pos++} = c;
                line [pos++] = c;

                if (c == '\0')
                    // A new section found. Add the section to the list of sections.
                #if PACK_CONTENT == true
                    if (line {0} == '[')
                    if (line [0] == '[')
                        if (Sections.Count < MAX_SECTIONS)
                            pos = 1;
                        #if PACK_CONTENT == true
                            while (line {pos} && line {pos} != ']' && (pos - 1) < MAX_SECTION_TAG)
                                Sections.Tag [Sections.Count]{pos - 1} = line {pos};
                            Sections.Tag [Sections.Count]{pos - 1} = '\0';
                            while (line [pos] && line [pos] != ']' && (pos - 1) < MAX_SECTION_TAG)
                                Sections.Tag [Sections.Count][pos - 1] = line [pos];
                            Sections.Tag [Sections.Count][pos - 1] = '\0';
                            Sections.FirstEntry [Sections.Count] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;
                    #if PACK_CONTENT == true
                        if (line {0})
                        if (line [0])
                        #if PACK_CONTENT == true
                            strunpack (buf, line);
                            DOF2::ParseLine (buf, key, value);
                            strunpack (tag, Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1]);

                            // Call a specific function for a specific entry - ZCMD-style!
                            if (callback)
                                format (buf, sizeof (buf), "_OnParseFile_%s_%s", tag, key);
                                if (!CallRemoteFunction (buf, "is", extraid, value))
                                    CallRemoteFunction ("_OnDefaultParseFile", "issss", extraid, value [0] ? value : ("\1"), key, Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1][0] ? Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1] : ("\1"), file6);
                            DOF2::ParseLine (line, key, value);

                            // Call a specific function for a specific entry - ZCMD-style!
                            if (callback)
                                format (buf, sizeof (buf), "_OnParseFile_%s_%s", Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1], key);
                                if (!CallRemoteFunction (buf, "is", extraid, value))
                                    CallRemoteFunction ("_OnDefaultParseFile", "issss", extraid, value [0] ? value : ("\1"), key, Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1][0] ? Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1] : ("\1"), file6);

                            // Add entry to it's section and to the list which will be sorted.
                            Entries.Line [Entries.Count] = line;
                            Entries.Tag [Entries.Count] = Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1];
                        #if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
                            Entries.Section [Entries.Count] = Sections.Count - 1;
                            Entries.Section {Entries.Count} = Sections.Count - 1;
                            Entries.NextEntry [Entries.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;

                            SortedEntryList [Entries.Count][0] = DOF2::HashKey (key);
                            SortedEntryList [Entries.Count][1] = Entries.Count;

                            if (Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1] == INVALID_ENTRY)
                                Sections.FirstEntry [Sections.Count - 1] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1] = Entries.Count;
                                Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;
                                Entries.NextEntry [Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1]] = Entries.Count;
                                Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.Count] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1];
                                Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1] = Entries.Count;
                    pos = 0;
             * Sort list of entries by it's hashcodes in O(n * log n) time.
             * (Worst case is actually O(n * n), however, this QuickSort implementation chooses a randomized pivot
             * to minimize the chance for the worst case.)

            DOF2::SortEntries (SortedEntryList, 0, Entries.Count - 1, true);
            return fclose(j);
    return 0;

// Linha 1059   for (new i, size = flength (j); i < size; ++i)

// Linha 1061       c = fgetchar (j, 0, UseUTF8);

// Linha 1169 return fclose(j);

Messages In This Thread
warings de tag mismatch - by Dieguinho - 28.01.2014, 15:37
Re: warings de tag mismatch - by lHesoyaml - 28.01.2014, 17:05
Re: warings de tag mismatch - by Dieguinho - 28.01.2014, 17:26
Re: warings de tag mismatch - by Schocc - 28.01.2014, 17:45
Re: warings de tag mismatch - by Dieguinho - 28.01.2014, 18:06
Re: warings de tag mismatch - by Blitz22 - 28.01.2014, 18:29
Re: warings de tag mismatch - by Dieguinho - 28.01.2014, 18:34

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