28.01.2014, 15:25
Hello i have weird problem when i set a license plate to a car in my server.
Everything is good when i set it but when i restart the server my license plate its not that i want.
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When i restart the server ...
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The command code is:
Please help..
Everything is good when i set it but when i restart the server my license plate its not that i want.
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When i restart the server ...
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The command code is:
CMD:shopplate(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pShopTech]) { new iVehType, iVehIndex, iTargetOwner, carid, orderid, plate[32]; if(sscanf(params, "dds[32]", carid, orderid, plate)) { SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /shopplate [carid] [orderid] [plate/remove]"); SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "COLORS: (black/white/blue/red/green/purple/yellow/lightblue/navy/beige/darkgreen/darkblue/darkgrey/gold/brown/darkbrown/darkred"); SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "/maroon/pink) USAGE: (red)Hi(white)how are you? NOTE: Each color counts for 8 characters"); return 1; } foreach(Player, i) { iVehIndex = GetPlayerVehicle(i, carid); if(iVehIndex != -1) { iVehType = 1; iTargetOwner = i; break; } } if(iVehType == 1) { format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(black)", "{000000}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(white)", "{FFFFFF}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(blue)", "{0000FF}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(red)", "{FF0000}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(green)", "{008000}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(purple)", "{800080}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(yellow)", "{FFFF00}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(lightblue)", "{ADD8E6}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(navy)", "{000080}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(beige)", "{F5F5DC}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(darkgreen)", "{006400}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(darkblue)", "{00008B}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(darkgrey)", "{A9A9A9}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(gold)", "{FFD700}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(brown)", "{A52A2A}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(darkbrown)", "{5C4033}", plate)); format(plate, sizeof(plate), "%s", str_replace("(darkred)", "{8B0000}", plate)); new string[128], Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; GetVehiclePos(carid, X, Y, Z); if(strcmp(plate, "remove", true) == 0) { PlayerVehicleInfo[iTargetOwner][iVehIndex][pvPlate] = 0; } else { format(PlayerVehicleInfo[iTargetOwner][iVehIndex][pvPlate], 32, "%s", plate); SetVehicleToRespawn(carid); SetVehiclePos(carid, X, Y, Z); } new query[2048]; SaveAccountsUpdate(); format(query, sizeof(query), "%s `pv%dPlate` = '%s';", query, iVehIndex,plate ); format(string, sizeof(string), "Plate set on %s (ID: %d) %s (ID: %d)", GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetOwner), iTargetOwner, GetVehicleName(carid), carid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "(OrderID: %d) Plate: %s", orderid, plate); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s set %s %s (Slot %d) plate to %s (order %d)", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetOwner), GetVehicleName(carid), iVehIndex, plate, orderid); Log("logs/shoplog.log", string); } else { SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "This is not a player owned vehicle, you cannot give it a custom plate."); } } else { SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You are not authorized to use that command."); } return 1; }