Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community

Originally Posted by Zhao
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I thought you meant the confusion for new players rather than the confusion with existing players who already know how to lagshoot. These should be recognized as two separate problems.

One is about people like you and me who are familiar with lagshooting / lead aiming. We will get confused because we don't know what mode the server is in. This is resolvable via your suggestion, but I don't know if the average SA-MP player will understand what legacy mode is.
Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

Messages In This Thread
Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 27.01.2014, 22:46
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Drebin - 27.01.2014, 22:57
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by KingHual - 27.01.2014, 23:00
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by itsCody - 27.01.2014, 23:00
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 27.01.2014, 23:00
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Kane_Phoenix - 27.01.2014, 23:00
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 27.01.2014, 23:05
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Kane_Phoenix - 27.01.2014, 23:09
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 27.01.2014, 23:10
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Kane_Phoenix - 27.01.2014, 23:14
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 27.01.2014, 23:16
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by [KHK]Khalid - 27.01.2014, 23:22
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Kane_Phoenix - 27.01.2014, 23:23
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Vince - 27.01.2014, 23:27
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 27.01.2014, 23:31
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by anou1 - 27.01.2014, 23:34
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by SchurmanCQC - 27.01.2014, 23:49
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Calgon - 27.01.2014, 23:53
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by BlackBank - 27.01.2014, 23:53
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 28.01.2014, 00:03
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by SchurmanCQC - 28.01.2014, 00:07
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Whitetiger - 28.01.2014, 00:08
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 28.01.2014, 00:19
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by SchurmanCQC - 28.01.2014, 00:20
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Whitetiger - 28.01.2014, 00:25
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 28.01.2014, 00:42
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by niCe - 28.01.2014, 00:59
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Whitetiger - 28.01.2014, 01:00
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Niko_boy - 28.01.2014, 09:34
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Escapist - 28.01.2014, 19:49
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Niko_boy - 29.01.2014, 16:27
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Manyula - 29.01.2014, 17:27
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by ViruZz - 29.01.2014, 17:31
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Diablosrouge - 29.01.2014, 18:06
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by param0re - 29.01.2014, 18:16
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Manyula - 29.01.2014, 18:31
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Diablosrouge - 29.01.2014, 19:13
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Infinity - 29.01.2014, 19:38
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Manyula - 29.01.2014, 19:58
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Madzior_ - 29.01.2014, 20:03
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Pottus - 30.01.2014, 18:20
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by stormchaser206 - 30.01.2014, 20:17
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by eider - 31.01.2014, 00:59
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by [J] - 31.01.2014, 03:50
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by StreetGT - 31.01.2014, 04:02
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Zhao - 31.01.2014, 04:19
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by [J] - 31.01.2014, 04:32
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by MisterTickle - 31.01.2014, 05:25
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Niko_boy - 31.01.2014, 09:34
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by DiDok - 31.01.2014, 13:06
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Austin - 05.02.2014, 19:59
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Austin - 05.02.2014, 20:59
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by ev0lution - 06.02.2014, 02:31
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by kurta999 - 06.02.2014, 14:18
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by [MM]IKKE - 06.02.2014, 15:12
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Pottus - 09.02.2014, 16:27
Respuesta: Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Gryphus One - 09.02.2014, 17:16
Re: Respuesta: Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Pottus - 09.02.2014, 17:23
Re: Respuesta: Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 09.02.2014, 18:20
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by ReFuSeR - 10.02.2014, 01:52
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by Pottus - 10.02.2014, 02:12
Respuesta: Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by MugiwaraNoLuffy - 10.02.2014, 03:47
Re: Legacy mode is bad for the SA-MP community - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 10.02.2014, 11:41

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