27.01.2014, 15:30
stock LoadServersConfig() { new Year, Month, Day, date[20], date1[20], Hour, Minute, Second; getdate(Year, Month, Day); gettime(Hour, Minute, Second); format(date, sizeof(date), "%d-%02d-%02d",Year,Month,Day); format(date1, sizeof(date), "%d:%d:%d",Hour,Minute,Second); strins(server[ond], date, 0); strins(server[ont], date1, 0); server[ORMID] = orm_create("server", dbhandle); orm_addvar_int(server[ORMID], server[session], "session"); orm_addvar_string(server[ORMID], server[ond], 50, "OnD"); orm_addvar_string(server[ORMID], server[ont], 50, "OnT"); orm_addvar_int(server[ORMID], server[ownedb], "ownedb"); orm_addvar_int(server[ORMID], server[maxown], "Cars"); orm_setkey(server[ORMID], "session"); orm_select(server[ORMID], "LoadID", "i", server[session]-1); //orm_insert(server[ORMID], "LoadID", "", ""); } forward LoadID(i); public LoadID(i) { orm_addvar_int(server[ORMID], server[ownedb], "ownedb"); // i thinking here to retrieve old data info from old table which session is lover by -1 orm_addvar_int(server[ORMID], server[maxown], "Cars"); orm_insert(server[ORMID], "LoadServersOldInfo", ""); return 1; } forward LoadServersOldInfo(); public LoadServersOldInfo() { //also i here put printf with maxown and prints me 0 but in old table is 9 orm_update(server[ORMID]); return 1; }