GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle

stock GetCenterOfTrunk(vehicleid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)
	new model = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);

	if (!model)
	    return 0;

	new Float:fPosition[5];

	GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, fPosition[3]);
	GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, fPosition[0], fPosition[1], fPosition[2]);
	GetVehicleModelInfo(model, VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_REAR_BUMPER_Z, x, y, z);

	fPosition[4] = z;

	x += fPosition[0];
	y += fPosition[1];

	x -= (2.35 * (floatsin(-fPosition[3], degrees)));
	y -= (2.35 * (floatcos(fPosition[3], degrees)));
 	return 1;
+1 to Emmet_ who did this for me sometime ago.

Messages In This Thread
GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Noliax8 - 27.01.2014, 11:35
Re: GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Kyle - 27.01.2014, 11:44
Re: GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Jay_ - 27.01.2014, 13:31
Re : GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Noliax8 - 28.01.2014, 10:54
Re : GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Noliax8 - 29.01.2014, 08:38
Re: GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Danyal - 29.01.2014, 08:57
Re: GetVehicleModelInfo() trunk of the vehicle - by Kyle - 29.01.2014, 12:37

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