Tag mismatch

For future reference - casting to bool is even easier than that, using double negation:
pawn Код:
ASDQWEQEWQE = !!cache_get_field_content_int(0, "weqwe");
As for question:
1. Speed is comparable, but as name suggests, the queries are executed in other thread, so your main game logic doesn't wait until the query is complete.

Messages In This Thread
Tag mismatch - by audriuxxx - 26.01.2014, 07:48
Re: Tag mismatch - by Konstantinos - 26.01.2014, 09:18
Re: Tag mismatch - by audriuxxx - 26.01.2014, 10:07
Re: Tag mismatch - by Misiur - 26.01.2014, 10:20

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