26.01.2014, 10:07
Another questions:
1. Is threaded queries faster then non-threaded queries (i mean mysql Blueg).
2. Do i need do after OnPlayerDisconnect delete_cache(sdasdasd[ playerid ]), when i for ex: sdasdasd[ playerid ] = save_cache . And if yes, what variable is null for cache? because variable look like this:
new cachedasdasd[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
If i do that (when player connect, or disconnect to know when variable is not -500 or whatever then not delete:
sdasdasd[ playerid ] = -500 i get tag mismatch.
Another questions:
1. Is threaded queries faster then non-threaded queries (i mean mysql Blueg).
2. Do i need do after OnPlayerDisconnect delete_cache(sdasdasd[ playerid ]), when i for ex: sdasdasd[ playerid ] = save_cache . And if yes, what variable is null for cache? because variable look like this:
new cachedasdasd[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
If i do that (when player connect, or disconnect to know when variable is not -500 or whatever then not delete:
sdasdasd[ playerid ] = -500 i get tag mismatch.