24.01.2014, 16:48
} COMMAND:gundealer(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerFED(playerid)) return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD); if(!IsPlayerInSphere(playerid,2201.1729,-1970.2307,13.7841,5)) return SendClientError(playerid, "You are not at the right location!"); if(strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][job],"None",true)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"[JOB] You already have a job - Use \"/quitjob\" to leave your current one!"); myStrcpy(PlayerInfo[playerid][job],"GunDealer"); ShowInfoBox(playerid, "GunDealer", "congratulations, you are now a ~r~gundealer~w~! Use /jobhelp to see your new commands. Check your radar for the place to buy guns!"); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -33.6417,-1122.1495,1.0970, 3.0); format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "6[JOB] %s is now a GunDealer!", PlayerName(playerid)); return 1; } enum _wdata { wname[ 12 ], wID, wAmmo, wSellables, } new weapon_arr[][_wdata] = { // Weapon , ID, Ammo, Materials { "Katana", 8, 1 , 1}, { "Flowers", 14,1 , 1}, { "Molotov", 18,1 , 12}, { "Deagle", 24,75 , 1}, { "MP5", 29,150, 1}, { "Shotgun", 25,75 , 2}, { "AK47", 30,150, 2}, { "M4", 31,150, 2}, { "Rifle", 33,75, 2} }; COMMAND:sellgun(playerid, params[]) { if(strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][job],"GunDealer", true)) return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD); new iPlayer, iWeapon[ 128 ]; if( sscanf ( params, "us", iPlayer, iWeapon)) { SCP(playerid, "[PlayerID/PartOfName] [weapon]"); new bStr[ 256 ]; format(bStr, sizeof(bStr), "Available weapons: "); for(new q; q < sizeof(weapon_arr); q++) { new tmp[ 20 ]; format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %s (%d ammo),", weapon_arr[q][wname], weapon_arr[q][wAmmo]); strcat(bStr, tmp); } strdel(bStr,strlen(bStr)-1, strlen(bStr)); SendMessageToPlayer(playerid, COLOR_ADMIN_PM, bStr); return 1; } if(!IsPlayerConnected(iPlayer)) return SendClientError(playerid, PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); //if(iPlayer == playerid) return SendClientError(playerid, "You cannot sell any guns to yourself!"); if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid, iPlayer) > 3) return SendClientError(playerid, "He is too far away!"); new dSELECT = -1; for(new q; q < sizeof(weapon_arr); q++) { if(strfind(weapon_arr[q][wname],iWeapon, true) != -1) dSELECT = q; } if(dSELECT == -1) { new bStr[ 256 ]; format(bStr, sizeof(bStr), "Available weapons: "); for(new q; q < sizeof(weapon_arr); q++) { new tmp[ 20 ]; format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %s (%d ammo),", weapon_arr[q][wname], weapon_arr[q][wAmmo]); strcat(bStr, tmp); } strdel(bStr,strlen(bStr)-1, strlen(bStr)); SendMessageToPlayer(playerid, COLOR_ADMIN_PM, bStr); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][sguns] < weapon_arr[dSELECT][wSellables]) return SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_ADMIN_PM, "[GUNDEALER]: You don't have enough sellables! You need %d sellabes.", weapon_arr[dSELECT][wSellables]); format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "has sold a %s with %d ammo to %s.", weapon_arr[dSELECT][wname],weapon_arr[dSELECT][wAmmo], MaskedName(iPlayer)); Action(playerid, iStr); if(dSELECT == 3) SetPVarInt(iPlayer, "Molotov", 1); GivePlayerWeapon(iPlayer, weapon_arr[dSELECT][wID], weapon_arr[dSELECT][wAmmo]); PlayerInfo[playerid][sguns] -= weapon_arr[dSELECT][wSellables]; PlayerInfo[playerid][jobskill] += minrand(1,2); format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "6[JOB] GunDealer %s has sold a %s to %s.", PlayerName(playerid), weapon_arr[dSELECT][wname], PlayerName(iPlayer)); SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREY, " You lost %d sellables selling this %s. You now have %d sellables left.", weapon_arr[dSELECT][wSellables], weapon_arr[dSELECT][wname], PlayerInfo[playerid][sguns]); return 1; }