23.01.2014, 19:47
We're going off topic here and bringing unnecessary tension. The point is how to prevent players from seeing other players through objects from distance. Correct definition of wall hack does not matter. Is it possible to auto ban every player that is running so0beit or any other known cheating programs in the background along with SA:MP?
If there is a hack to see other player skins through objects, there's no way to fix it with the current SA:MP functions.
It is not possible to detect any programs running in the background, such as "very popular cheat program" or other hacking tools.
Your post is useless. First of all, in my last post, I posted one more question. Second, refrain from posting in my threads. Third, if I see you posting here one more time with your bullshit, you will get a report. Why? Because it is bringing unnecessary tension. And I say it IS GOING off topic, it's not there yet . Learn the difference.