OnPlayerTakeDamage reliability issue

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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The reason for this is that both GTA and the SA-MP server deal with the health as a float (4 bytes), but it's actually synced from the player to the server 1 byte in order to save bandwidth. So what you are seeing is basically a rounding problem.

This really should be fixed at some point.

What I can say is that the player's health and armour does match what you have there as the server-sided version, you just can't see it accurately with GetPlayerHealth/GetPlayerArmour.

SetPlayerHealth and SetPlayerArmour do send full floats, so the player will get those changes without any rounding problems.
I have a scripted health system and I do round down values of HP unless weapons used are not those where the damage is below 1. Just in case, but it's great to know this.

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerTakeDamage reliability issue - by Zhao - 22.01.2014, 14:32
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage reliability issue - by Kalcor - 22.01.2014, 15:02
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage reliability issue - by Zhao - 22.01.2014, 19:33
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage reliability issue - by CuervO - 22.01.2014, 22:51
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage reliability issue - by ViruZz - 24.01.2014, 13:29

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