Originally Posted by Scorcher
Originally Posted by Javi_Cogollero
The problem is that: agrege vehicles and I put them without they go out in sale and the ID's do not get lost, it turns out that I buy an own(proper) vehicle of the concessionaire, I park it with/v to park and cojes you leave and enter(approach) of the servant, or close and open servant and the vehicle does not go out where aparcastes, and you cannot locate it .. I need urgent help, if me the agradeceria can help much all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Already thank you!!
sorry for my bad english
Well, put the CORRECT ID's for cars then. I suggest you dont do it if you're a noob.
scorcher your a fucking nob cheese mate... people only askin simple questions and you call them all fucking noobs...
isit cause your a retarded little kid and your mommy didnt love you..
an yea i see now u dont have any idea about this script you just like to act like you do..
People if you want help..
dont ask scorcher cause he'll just call you a retard even though he doesnt know himself.... cause hes so cool lmfao