samp roleplay levels

Try to make a game mode that is as realistic as possible, then launch it. After a while you'll get bored and go and RP on Habbo. Being total realistic is actually quite boring (coming from a person who loves to role-play passively). If role-play server were to role-play like it actually was in real life, there would be very few guns, cars would not crash as much as they are now, people would have start at age of zero, and to join a faction would take maybe their whole childhood's effort.

Bringing things that are OOC are sometimes good because you need to add the "fun" part to role-play. Also the human mind is more satisfied if it sees some kind of clear development, reason why people even play online games as it gives different attributes and people see their characters develop in a way you cannot see yourself develop in real life (World of Warcraft for instance).

Messages In This Thread
samp roleplay levels - by matthew1211 - 21.01.2014, 14:56
Re: samp roleplay levels - by betta - 21.01.2014, 14:57
Re: samp roleplay levels - by Lannister - 21.01.2014, 15:14
Re: samp roleplay levels - by Si|ent - 22.01.2014, 05:00
Re: samp roleplay levels - by -Jason - 22.01.2014, 08:18
Re: samp roleplay levels - by navedhashmi32 - 22.01.2014, 09:05
Re: samp roleplay levels - by Hansrutger - 22.01.2014, 10:11
Re: samp roleplay levels - by Alexia_Vitella - 23.01.2014, 22:56
Respuesta: samp roleplay levels - by Onfroi - 23.01.2014, 22:59
Re: Respuesta: samp roleplay levels - by Alexia_Vitella - 23.01.2014, 23:05

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