High priority fixes/very desired suggestions

Pardon me if this isn't the place to make these suggestions, but I feel like these should be highly considered.

RemoveBuildingForPlayer - if a player reconnects without quitting the game, SAMP crashes upon receiving the RemoveBuildingForPlayer. This is a client sided issue and should be fixed immediately. Moreover, Win 8+ sometimes may freeze or crash.
Also, there could be a RestoreBuildingForPlayer.

So, the way it would work, I don't know if this is possible, but RemoveBuildingForPlayer would return the value of the removed building, not object. Each object on the SA map would have a specific ID and that is what would be removed. So far this function doesn't remove a specific building, only an object on a given position and it's range. So, RestoreBuildingForPlayer would restore the removed building ID.

A highly desired/needed feature:
Hide/show player HUD/weapon/money/health/armour/oxygen text-draws
- Even though we are trying to find new ways to cover them with boxes, which look terrible by the way, I think we should have this feature.
-It gives scripters more possibilities to design new ways to turn their servers however they want.
It isn't crucial for this update since this is mostly a security update, but I believe that this will be a very useful function for us to have.

Edit: 2/8/14

ADD ON: Add a new button for our dialogs. So we can have the options to do more. Ex: next, previous, cancel, select. I have a few dialogs that actually do need another button so players don't have to go to the beginning of the dialog to see the next page.

BUG/Glitch: Attaching object_1 to object_2. Moving object_2 while player is surfing object_1, that player will either die instantly, get pushed away, and/or crash. This thing must be fixed. The same thing goes for vehicles on object_1. Those vehicles will get stuck in mid place or fly away.

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