[BUG] Weird thing with sniper

In the specific area you can't hit another player with sniper from 1 direction. In another place you can. Just watch the video and you will understand. This thing never happened before, so i think it's 0.3z bug.


Messages In This Thread
[BUG] Weird thing with sniper - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 17.01.2014, 10:18
Respuesta: [BUG] Weird thing with sniper - by MugiwaraNoLuffy - 18.01.2014, 05:06
Re: [BUG] Weird thing with sniper - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 18.01.2014, 06:23
Re: [BUG] Weird thing with sniper - by Lordzy - 18.01.2014, 09:25

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