What is the difference between OnPlayerTakeDamage and OnPlayerGiveDamage

Just like it's mentioned on the Wiki page, "OnPlayerGiveDamage" gets called when the player gives any sort of damage to the player. It doesn't matter even if the opponent got any damage or not, but this gets called according to the accurate shots or damage given by the player1.

"OnPlayerTakeDamage" gets called whenever the player2 gets damaged, either by player1 or by any circumstances. On the versions below 0.3z, perfect shots would be called under "OnPlayerTakeDamage" only as "OnPlayerGiveDamage" may or may not include lag-shots. As lag-shots are no more in 0.3z, it will go almost the same, however I still think "OnPlayerTakeDamage" can be used to detect if player is getting damaged as there's some bullet matters too.

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