[MYSQL] Load informations

If it's extremely unreliable, how can I load posX,Y,Z from a database ?

How should me quiery be ?
Like that ? :

mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `joueurs` WHERE `posX` = '%f', `posY` = '%f' AND `posZ` = '%f',  `Username` = '%s'  ", pInfo[playerid][posX], pInfo[playerid][posY], pInfo[playerid][posZ],  Name[playerid]);

Messages In This Thread
[MYSQL] Load informations - by anou1 - 15.01.2014, 12:21
Re: [MYSQL] Load informations - by Vince - 15.01.2014, 12:24
Re : [MYSQL] Load informations - by anou1 - 15.01.2014, 12:28
Re: [MYSQL] Load informations - by Vince - 15.01.2014, 12:40
Re : [MYSQL] Load informations - by anou1 - 15.01.2014, 12:49

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