class and vip allowed to use these vehicles...

Originally Posted by xZdadyZx
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Yeah true, but I got question for my future scripting... Do I even need to say that you do not need a vip, I think do you need to check every time on play enter car is he vip, or I dont need to.
If you do not have a feature or something like that for vips then you obviously dont have to check for it. Like if you would have a feature that vips get a tuned car everytime they enter a vehicle then you would have to check if they are vips or not.

Hope that helped you.

Messages In This Thread
class and vip allowed to use these vehicles... - by SwisherSweet - 13.01.2014, 23:48
Re: class and vip allowed to use these vehicles... - by Voxel - 14.01.2014, 04:54
Re: class and vip allowed to use these vehicles... - by xZdadyZx - 14.01.2014, 05:41
Re: class and vip allowed to use these vehicles... - by Voxel - 14.01.2014, 06:22

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