Script can be built like that?

Firstly, if you mean writing callbacks, functions, variables and etc in include files and then linking them to the main GM by "like this", then yes it can be; actually, I've written a GM this way and it worked very well.

As for the runtime error, I'd like to ask you a question. Do you have a folder called "includes" in the pawno include folder (\your server folder\pawno\include\)? And if you have one, does it have files with these names (enums variables etc..)?

Messages In This Thread
Script can be built like that? - by dimitri8 - 13.01.2014, 12:37
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Blademaster680 - 13.01.2014, 13:49
Re: Script can be built like that? - by MasterReturnz - 13.01.2014, 14:01
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Rapeassboi - 13.01.2014, 14:02
Re : Script can be built like that? - by S4t3K - 13.01.2014, 14:06
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Rapeassboi - 13.01.2014, 14:11
Re: Script can be built like that? - by dimitri8 - 13.01.2014, 15:17
Re: Script can be built like that? - by [KHK]Khalid - 13.01.2014, 16:31
Re: Script can be built like that? - by InfiniTy. - 13.01.2014, 16:44
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Pottus - 13.01.2014, 16:51

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