Script can be built like that?

That works very well and this explains it
pawn Код:
#include "./includes/defines.pwn"
#include "./includes/enums.pwn"
#include "./includes/variables.pwn"
#include "./includes/timers.pwn"
#include "./includes/functions.pwn"
#include "./includes/commands.pwn"
#include "./includes/mysql.pwn"
#include "./includes/OnPlayerLoad.pwn"
#include "./includes/callbacks.pwn"
#include "./includes/textdraws.pwn"
#include "./includes/streamer.pwn"
#include "./includes/OnDialogResponse.pwn"
every function lays in your 'includes' not 'include' it would compile perfectly if you had those so called includes.

Messages In This Thread
Script can be built like that? - by dimitri8 - 13.01.2014, 12:37
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Blademaster680 - 13.01.2014, 13:49
Re: Script can be built like that? - by MasterReturnz - 13.01.2014, 14:01
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Rapeassboi - 13.01.2014, 14:02
Re : Script can be built like that? - by S4t3K - 13.01.2014, 14:06
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Rapeassboi - 13.01.2014, 14:11
Re: Script can be built like that? - by dimitri8 - 13.01.2014, 15:17
Re: Script can be built like that? - by [KHK]Khalid - 13.01.2014, 16:31
Re: Script can be built like that? - by InfiniTy. - 13.01.2014, 16:44
Re: Script can be built like that? - by Pottus - 13.01.2014, 16:51

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