[GameMode] [GM]TEAM DEATHMATCH[With custom map]

NO helis like in the pic.......
[img width=768 height=768]http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt359/Shorty_209_2009/untitled5.jpg[/img]

Scritp info:
**1089 lines**
**Features a custom map**
**Full interiors for both teams**
**Some vehicles (not a lot)**
**Weapon pickups in interiors**
**Able to buy more powefull weapons**
**Worktime 2hours 30 mins**
**Nuclear weapons everywere in the map for more fun**

****Small map but big fun****

Known bugs:
1 interior doesnt fully work some times it does 50/50 chance
Im realising this scritp because I dont use it anymore its been 6 months since I dont use it, it usto be online with 50 players full everyday and when I decided to make it 80 players it was freaking CRAZY!! Alot of people said that it looked like a Halo map LOL.

NEXT UPDATE: I will have doors on the interriors and ill make a bigger map for it.

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