Problem calling "OnPlayerDisconnect".

Hello world.

I have few problems with minigames which are on my server. I noticed that once a player get crash sometimes the "OnPlayerDisconnect" callback don't get called, i think, because the last player remains stuck in the minigame and also the minigame is not restarting, untill i do not use a command to unblock the player and restart the minigame.

I'm using the iterators from foreach include. Any suggestions what should i do?


Messages In This Thread
Problem calling "OnPlayerDisconnect". - by Edvin - 09.01.2014, 12:01
Re: Problem calling "OnPlayerDisconnect". - by offon - 09.01.2014, 12:05
Re: Problem calling "OnPlayerDisconnect". - by Edvin - 09.01.2014, 12:41

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