Symbol already defined: "CreateObject"

Like stated after the person Registers the script will get to work and give the newly registered player the normal stuff, starting money, score, etc; just place the SetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); with all those so only if they register they will be teleported there

Messages In This Thread
Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 17:09
Respuesta: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 17:12
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 17:36
Respuesta: Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 17:57
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 18:07
Respuesta: Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 18:16
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 18:24
Respuesta: Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 18:31
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 18:41
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 10.01.2014, 14:56

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