Symbol already defined: "CreateObject"

Originally Posted by Vasu99
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Thanks mate, your help is appriciated. And the fact that you explained how you did it was just awesome, haha. Rep +.

Edit: It kind of created more problems, but different problems. I'll list them below, but two of them are only warnings.

C:\Users\vasu\Desktop\Samp Server\gamemodes\L'isle Roleplay.pwn(94) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_OnGameModeInit"
C:\Users\vasu\Desktop\Samp Server\gamemodes\L'isle Roleplay.pwn(98) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\vasu\Desktop\Samp Server\gamemodes\L'isle Roleplay.pwn(813) : warning 217: loose indentation
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
Edit x2: I realized the problem, sorry for the troubles. Although, I've still got the warnings.
The warnings are because they are put up on the side, you just need to press the tab key infront of the object lines, to make a space and your welcome for the help.

Messages In This Thread
Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 17:09
Respuesta: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 17:12
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 17:36
Respuesta: Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 17:57
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 18:07
Respuesta: Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 18:16
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 18:24
Respuesta: Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by ghost556 - 08.01.2014, 18:31
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 08.01.2014, 18:41
Re: Symbol already defined: "CreateObject" - by Vasu99 - 10.01.2014, 14:56

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