[HELP] Scripting

Matthias, read this before posting any code. Also, this code isn't really "newbie" friendly.

Try writing this command by your own. This is how you should do it: Create a string with 128 as string size. Get the name of the player and put them together into a message. Use %s for a string and %d for a number(in case you want the playerid there also). Send them to all the players, and you have done one part.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Scripting - by mannu - 03.05.2009, 08:15
Re: [HELP] Scripting - by MenaceX^ - 03.05.2009, 08:41
Re: [HELP] Scripting - by GTA_Rules - 03.05.2009, 09:37
Re: [HELP] Scripting - by mannu - 03.05.2009, 10:59
Re: [HELP] Scripting - by mannu - 03.05.2009, 13:30
Re: [HELP] Scripting - by HB - 03.05.2009, 15:02
Re: [HELP] Scripting - by [LSB]Clinz - 04.05.2009, 00:06

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